This week the Global South Forum will be screening the documentary “Harvesting Hunger” at the University of Southampton, Building 58, Room 1065 from 6.00-7.00pm:
Harvesting Hunger is a journey into this impending world of hunger and famine, an exploration of the deepening crisis in food security in India. The film revolves around four case studies – Punjab for a study of the yellowing of the Green Revolution, Kalahandi for an investigation into the structural reasons of famine and impoverishment, Warangal for an examination of the debilitating effects of money lending, resulting in suicide deaths, prompted by multinational pesticides enterprises and Bellary for an understanding of the role of giant seed and food processing companies in destroying the very base of Indian agriculture. A farmer activist, Vijay Jardhari, who is part of a movement to revive traditional agricultural practices (Beej Bachao Andolan), up in the Himalayas, is the presenter. He provides a peep into sustainable agricultural systems, which could be one of the answers to the present crisis.
Check out the trailer on youtube: